Nel 2018 ho conseguito il diploma di trucco artistico presso la BCM di Milano dove ho appreso competenze quali: trucco correttivo e grooming, trucco televisivo, teatrale, sposa, body painting ed hairstyling. Nel 2019 ho deciso di perfezionarmi ed acquisire nuove abilità frequentando i seguenti corsi presso la Iver Academy in UK: trucco con aerografo, Fashion & Beauty make-up & Hair Artistry, Advanced Hair. Per offrire sempre il miglior servizio possibile, sono in costante aggiornamento sulle migliori tecniche e gli ultimi trend.
Tra le mie esperienze lavorative come freelance figurano servizi presso Milano Fashion week, Dolce & Gabbana Alta Moda 2018, shooting moda, editoriali e campagne, collaborazioni con influencers, spettacoli teatrali, servizi di trucco sposa. Ho avuto anche modo di lavorare come addetta vendite e make-up artist presso Mac Cosmetics. Attualmente oltre all’attività da freelancer, ricopro il ruolo di docente di trucco in un istituto professionale. Ho base in provincia di Cremona, ma lavoro in tutta Italia ed anche all’estero se richiesto. I miei maggiori campi di competenza sono il fashion e il trucco sposa. Riguardo a quest’ultimo vi, ho dedicato un’intera sezione per ulteriori informazioni.
In 2018, I graduated as a make-up artist at BCM of Milan where I learned certain skills such as, basic make-up and grooming, TV, fashion, theatrical, sfx, bridal make-up, body painting and hairstyling. In 2019, I decided to further develop and enhance my skills so I enrolled onto the following courses at Iver Academy, UK: Airbrush Make-up, Fashion & Beauty Make-up & Hair Artistry, Advanced Hair. In order to provide the best service as possible, I constantly keep myself up to the date about the best tecniques and make-up trends.
Among my working experiences as a freelance make-up artist I have actively been involved with the following events : Milan Fashion Week fashion shows, Dolce & Gabbana Alta Moda 2018, fashion shootings, editorials and campaigns, collaborations with influencers, theathral shows, bridal make-up services. I also worked as a promoter and make-up artist at Mac Cosmetics. Apart from my freelance job, I am working as a make-up teacher in a beauty school. At the moment, I am based near Cremona, but you can request my service from all over Italy and even abroad. iI am specialized in fashion make-up and bridal make-up. As for the second one, there’s a whole dedicated section with further information.